Contact Dublin Homeopathy


CONTACT  Dublin homeopathy 

 Call Pauline O’Reilly  087 6297708 to make an appointment 

All my appointments are being held online on Zoom, Whats app or Skype.

Please send me an email with a brief description of what you want help with  to            

It can be really helpful and timesaving when arranging appointments if you could state what days / times are most suitable for you when your sending email. I work Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm and Fridays 8.30am to 2pm. 

There are Technical issues with my contact form  , whilst I’m sorting these issues out could you email me directly and send your Appointment query to this email

Appointments are available online

 Monday to Thurs  9am to 5pm

     Fridays,  9am to 2 pm.  

I am happy to talk to you prior to making an appointment should you have any queries do not hesitate to call me.

 Consultations are by appointment only.

 Call Pauline   087  629 7708

     International calls  00 353 87 629 7708
